The School offers a number of means-tested Governors' Bursaries for candidates in Years 7 and above. The School will consider the girl's entitlement to a Bursary in its absolute discretion.

The terms of any financial assistance, will be communicated in the offer and will require to be complied with for the duration of the girl's attendance at the School. Bursary forms are renewed annually in order to continue to assess the level of parental income and financial assistance required. 

To identify eligible applicants, the School will:

  • Follow the published procedures;
  • Require applicants to have completed the relevant application form according to the published timetable;
  • Use age-appropriate assessment to assess all prospective pupils prior to entry;
  • Obtain reports for all prospective pupils - these may include information about attendance, ability, achievement and attitude. These will be treated as confidential;
  • Interview prospective pupils and their families/ careers as it deems necessary;
  • Make any offer of a place to the Sixth Form conditional on the applicant attaining the required level of GCSE (or equivalent) results.

To apply for a Bursary, please contact [email protected]