Careers Education and Guidance at Alderley Edge School for Girls is an integral element within our support network. All students access a careers education programme throughout their education in the senior school. We aim to ensure our students have the knowledge, resources and skills required to make informed and smooth transitions between key stages.

Students have face to face careers appointments with our in house Careers Adviser at the key transition points in Years 9 and 11. These appointments are in addition to careers meetings that are available to all students in the senior school.

Alderley Edge School for Girls hosts a biennial Careers Convention welcoming over 70 delegates to meet with students. These events are an informative and potentially life-changing experience for the students, giving them an opportunity to gain information on different routes into wide range of careers. After the event, many of our students gain valuable work experience placements.

To view our Careers Information Booklet, please click below: 

Careers Booklet

Careers Workshops, Talks and Events

Discover our Alumnae Community


Meet our AESG Alumnae Community

Year & FocusMilestones and Lesson FocusKey Events
Year 7
Who am I?

Identifying skills and interests

'Who inspires you?'

Recording all activities

Inspiring students. 'What is your dream job?'

Visit from a local employer (face to face or virtually)
Year 8
What are my interests?

Roles and careers

Careers terminology


GCSE choices

Logging your competencies

Visit to local businesses

Visit from a local employer (face to face or virtually)

Year 9
What is available?

Labour market information

Post 14 options

Logging and explaining your activities and interests

Careers convention

Visit from a local employer (face to face or virtually)

GCSE options

Year 10
World of Work

Contacting employers

CV writing

Cover letter writing

Developing skills

Securing work experience

Careers convention

Visit from a local employer (face to face or virtually)

Work experience

Year 11
Post 18 options

Post 16 options

A levels


Degree apprenticeships

Careers convention

Visit from a local employer (face to face or virtually)

Sixth form open evening

A level taster session

Year 12
Post 18 applications


Personal statements


Mock interviews and preparation for assessment days


Deep dive into chosen subjects

Careers convention

Visit from a local employer

Work experience

Further education trips/visits to universities

Year 13
Final steps

Assessments center preparation

Mock interviews

Accepting offers

Personal finance post 18

Visit from a local employer (face to face or virtually)



World of work


Useful Links

Choosing your A Levels

Training and part time work

Choosing how to pick the right path for you

National careers

The Apprenticeship Hub

Career magazines