Our bespoke #BeMore Prepared programme ensures that during their time in the Sixth Form our students develop the skills they need to flourish in the 21st Century workplace.
The programme is designed in consultation with students and informed by their views about what they need to excel. We ask them what they believe they need in order to feel empowered and confident as they embark on independent life and respond by building for them a carousel of personal development activities. These are divided into termly blocks under the headings #BeMore Practical, #BeMore Thoughtful and #BeMore Human.
While #BeMore Prepared will continually evolve in response to requests and feedback from students, typical sessions in each block might include:
#BeMore Prepared sessions are taught in mixed groups of Lower and Upper Sixth students, strengthening relationships between year groups and allowing students to benefit from a broad array of different experiences over their two years in the Sixth Form. Many sessions take place outside the classroom and involve interactions with other members of our school and the wider community, reinforcing the central importance of our Sixth Form students as inspirational role models and engaged, active citizens.