Welcome to Year 2

In Year 2 the girls are inspired and engaged through our exciting and innovative curriculum. We provide challenge to increase independence and resilience for their future, supporting our children to flourish and develop a healthy growth mind-set. We celebrate our achievements in and out of school, encouraging one another to always do our best.

- Miss Baxter, Pre-Prep Teacher (Year's 1 & 2) 


Year 2 Curriculum 

In English, the children will continue to work on their phonics, learning further spelling patterns and rules, and begin to apply those in their writing.

There will be a more detailed focus on handwriting, with children encouraged to form their letters correctly, learn which letters are to be joined and make letters a consistent size. Children will learn to write for a range of purposes including stories, poetry and real events.

Our Maths curriculum concentrates on breadth of knowledge, and children will be encouraged to use their understanding of new concepts to solve challenges, which will deepen their understanding of Maths in the wider world.





    An example of Integrated Curriculum topics in Year 2 are: 

    • Autumn 1: All Aboard
    • Autumn 2: Communication around the World
    • Spring 1: The Great Fire of London
    • Spring 2: Famous Females
    • Summer 1: Frozen World
    • Summer 2: Over the Land


      Year 2 Enrichment 

      Year 2 can take part in a number of exciting clubs and enrichment opportunities such as a Roald Dahl's 'Matilda' workshop, visiting artist workshops, Art club, Singing Club, Gardening Club, Recorders, individual music lessons and cookery!