Welcome to our exceptional Early Years setting, where every child's journey of discovery begins!

At Alderley Edge School for Girls we are dedicated to providing a nurturing and stimulating environment that supports the holistic development of our young learners. Our passionate and highly qualified staff create a warm, inclusive atmosphere where children feel safe, valued, and inspired to explore.

With a rich curriculum designed around the EYFS framework, we focus on fostering curiosity, creativity and a love for learning through play-based and hands-on activities. Our vibrant classrooms and outdoor spaces are thoughtfully designed to encourage exploration and social interaction, ensuring each child can develop their unique talents and abilities.

Join us in laying the foundation for a lifetime of learning and success, where every day is an adventure in growth and discovery.

Girls in the Nursery and Pre-School follow the EYFS Curriculum which covers seven different areas of learning including:

All girls will have an individualised programme of learning. We use an online platform called ‘Tapestry’ which allows access to your child’s observations, photographs, and the facility to communicate with the School directly, sharing achievements at home. Once your daughter has joined we will provide you with a link.

Why Choose AESG Nursery & Pre School 

  1. Holistic Development Approach: We place an emphasis on nurturing all aspects of child development from physical, emotional and social to cognitive skills—through integrated activities and experiences.
  2. Child-Centred Learning: Our curriculum and activities are tailored to individual interests, strengths and learning styles of each child.
  3. Outdoor Learning Environment: Ample outdoor space is designed to encourage exploration, creativity, and physical activity, supporting the EYFS framework.
  4. Play-Based Learning: We place a strong focus on play as a fundamental way for children to learn and develop skills, with structured and unstructured play opportunities.
  5. Parent Partnership: We believe in strong communication and involvement of parents and caregivers in their child’s learning journey, with regular updates, workshops and opportunities for feedback.
  6. Inclusive Practices: Policies and practices that ensure all children, regardless of background or ability, are supported and included in all aspects of the setting.
  7. Qualified Staff: Highly trained and skilled early years educators who understand child development and can support children in reaching their full potential.
  8. Wellbeing and Emotional Support: Strategies to promote emotional resilience, self-regulation, and mental wellbeing among children, with trained staff who can provide emotional support when needed.
  9. Multisensory Learning: Use of a variety of materials, tools, and activities that engage all senses to enhance learning experiences and cater to different learning styles.
  10. Language and Literacy Rich Environment: Activities and resources that promote language development, early literacy skills, and a love for reading from a young age.
  11. Creative Arts and Expression: Opportunities for children to explore and express themselves through art, music, drama, and movement, fostering creativity and imagination.
  12. Apple Technology Integration: Thoughtful use of Apple technology to enhance learning experiences, while ensuring it complements rather than replaces hands-on activities and personal interactions. Children in the EYFS benefit from being in an Apple Distinguished School.
  13. Assessment and Progress Tracking: Effective methods for assessing children’s progress in a way that is supportive, non-intrusive and aligned with EYFS principles.
  14. Community and Cultural Connections: Engagement with the local community and respect for diverse cultural backgrounds, promoting understanding and appreciation of different perspectives.