The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) is approved by the Secretary of State to inspect schools which are, or whose heads are, in membership of the associations which form the Independent School Council (ISC) and report to the extent to which they meet the Independent School Standards (‘the standard’) in the Schedule to the Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014.
Over two and a half days in November 2024, a team of five inspectors conducted a comprehensive review of AESG’s provision. Our ISI success follows extensive scrutiny across all areas of the school, including lesson observations, interviews with teachers and pupils, reviews of processes and procedures, and feedback from parent, pupil, and staff questionnaires. The inspection also included a thorough assessment of how our school’s aims align with what is seen and experienced on a day-to-day basis.
The ISI report concluded that Alderley Edge School for Girls has met all standards and are fully compliant.
Unlike the old inspection framework, the school is not graded. Instead, the report states if the school is meeting the standards as well as identifying any next steps in its strategic planning. As you will see, we are delighted that the inspection identified that we meet all of the standards and is highly positive with regard to the quality of education, pastoral provision, safeguarding and leadership at Alderley Edge School for Girls.
Read the Full Report by clicking the link below.
Inspectors Commented:
“The School’s aim of producing confident, independent learners with enquiring minds permeates school life.”
“Leadership is effective and dynamic, enabling the school to meet the Standards consistently.
“Leaders in the Early Years provide a warm, attentive and thoughtful environment that promotes the progress and well being of the children in their care.”
“Pupils enjoy school and are engaged, articulate and confident learners.”
“Pupils make good progress and are well supported by their teachers.”
“Pupils throughout the school are tolerant, courteous, respectful and mutually supportive of each other.”
“The curriculum is broad, balanced and well structured.”
“The encouraging feedback pupils receive instils confidence and a sense of pride and achievement.”
“Throughout the school, pupils’ academic experiences are enriched by the wide range of additional clubs, activities and clinics available at lunchtime and after school.”
“Bullying and poor behaviour are rare.”